Saturday, December 30, 2017

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Highlight the stock trade you want to cancel by clicking a box next to your open order. Trading online carries the risk that your order may not go through because of a slow Internet connection or other mechanical failure. Cancel orders lets you change your mind about a stock trade without incurring a penalty. You will need the ticker symbol for the stock and whether you want a full or partial cancel order. Canceling a stock trade may differ slightly depending on the online trading platform. Log into your online brokerage account. Unfilled orders show a pending status, which means you still have an opportunity to cancel the order. How do I Buy Stock in an Individual Company?

This means the online broker will not indemnify you against a potential loss of money if your cancel order did not go through because of a technical error. The risk of investing in the stock market is loss of money of your capital. The online broker may abbreviate the cancel order option. Online brokers make you sign a securities brokerage customer agreement stipulating that you do not hold them accountable for losses arising from electronic, equipment, mechanical and operator errors. Check the trade order notification. Highlighting the open order may also reveal a drop down menu, which gives you other options to amending trade orders. Having a fast, reliable Internet service provider and a working computer improve the chances of your trades going through on timely basis when you trade online.

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