This trader has pepper seeds. No problem so far. Firewood is kind of like a currency in that sense, most traders would like it. Only items that originally had some quantity left before the trading post was manned by the traders did not have greyed out buttons. The fish are transported. Not having enough goods to trade, I change the trading post inventory order list to get 900 fish from my barn, so I can barter them for the seeds. Yeah, traders only want to buy certain things from you. Different traders come and want to buy different things. The Appraisal skill tends to level up pretty dang fast no matter what you do. Cheap but heavy stuff like clay, or empty lead cages. The more I can dump on the silly traders, the more they bring the next year. Each trade seems to grant a little bit of experience.
Trade option is greyed out. Quote from: sigbox Behold the price of disobedience. The merchants from X have embarked on their journey. This is what I have observed. Do I need to enable a skill for one of my Dwarves to be able to trade? The wiki is a good resource for this.
The Judge of Intent skill tells you how merchants feel about the exchange; a rank of Novice seems to be plenty. Why not grab a few gems or spider silk or whatnot just in case there is a wierd mood, but nothing really out of necessity. Long Live Domas Etasastesh Adilloram, slayer of the snow butterfly! Different races seem to have different desires for different goods: The Elves assessed my very fancy large garnet as being worth far less than what the Humans and other Dwarves thought it should cost. Merchants and their entourage can traverse ramps, but not stairs. If anything, its more of a nuisance interrupting my otherwise busy work in fort construction, and generally I just do it because, well, its there. High Master Appraiser anyway.
How do I know when they finish unloading? Hope you like these 40 large orthoclase pots full of plump helmet roasts! Note, however, that repeatedly offering unsuccessful trades will irritate merchants, and if continued will cause them to pack up and leave prematurely, refusing all further business. Personally I usually overpay a lot. This is what DF does to people. By the time the first caravan leaves, he will have gained some good experience in the necessary skills for the next caravan to come along. In addition to the good advice given by everyone else, you can make a trade depot burrow and assign your broker to it if you want him to hurry to the depot. If at first he has no useful skills, trade out as much of the caravan as you can, one useful item at a time.
Trading Depot and Caravans. News: December 25, 2016: A new Threetoe story has been posted. Now, what are you willing to offer for them? In the beginning and even later on I still buy much of the metal items to melt down. This includes clear glass I believe. Questions about the Trade Depot, Caravans and Brokers.
NOT obligated to trade that much. If so it is good programming! In many nations, there is a substantial gray market for consumer electronics and cameras, because these can be not difficult purchased online and shipped to any location. An unofficial market where securities are traded. Due to this risk, some institutional investors like pension funds and mutual funds may refrain from gray market trading. Customers who buy such products for the discount price may face problems in future, and should ensure that they meet local safety and certification standards.
Some indications that a product is likely to be a gray market one are a price that is considerably lower than that offered by other local retailers, user manuals in a different language and photocopied manuals or duplicated software CDs. In gray market trading, while the trade is binding, it cannot be settled until official trading begins. Consumers may also occasionally unwittingly buy a gray market product. This may cause an unscrupulous party to renege on the trade. The gray market for goods thrives when there is a significant price discrepancy for a popular product in different nations. The grey market is an unofficial one, but is not illegal. So i have tried to change the options in Remote Procedure Call in control. Stop Remote Procedure Call RPC from.
Both Remote Procedure Call I have called them both too and been bounced around and put on hold for 20 minutes before giving up out of frustration. Any opinions expressed are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Iraq Business News. With my username I particularly like it. Mine is also greyed out and not available in the Services. Or is it not listed on the Start Menu with the option of Uninstall? LAN Settings button is grayed out. Remote procedure call options grayed out prudential stock buy or sell Remote Procedure Call. Grumpy I have sent more than 5 emails to dell and computrace and they just ignore them.
Locate Remote Procedure Call RPC observe his current status and open to. BIOGH has announced that the Masterplan for the Basra International Oil and Gas Free Zone has been formally approved by the Consulting Bureau of the College of Engineering at the University of Basra, and by the Iraq General Commission for Free Zones. SP2 changes the RPC service to use the. Al awir free trade zone american eagle shipping march 2013 Free trade zones FTZs are special economic zones set up with the objective of offering tax free, and free customs duty benefits to expatriate investors. Why is this dropdown box greyed out? You should now be able to select your live account in NinjaTrader and trade it. Then you will see all the symbols you can trade with the account. What is the minimum price fluctuations of Cryptocurrency on MT5? Any maximum limits on number of positions while trading Cryptocurrencies on MT5? Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies from XM? In which account type, can I trade Cryptocurrencies? XM MT4, how can I solve this problem?
Website users are granted only a limited license to access, display, download, print and reproduce reasonable portions of the Content solely for their own use, provided that the Content is not modified and all proprietary notices and source references on the Content are kept intact. CFDs is not a reliable indicator of future results. Finance offers trusted and timely information for Investors and Users of the services. Finance is a website owned by a team of Financial Specialists and IT experts. Educational Materials of Finance. By referring to Hercules. With more than 30 partnered companies all over the world, Hercules.
For the list of all partnered companies, please visit here. The other product names and marks referred to on this website are the trademarks of their respective owners. For more latest information of the website, please visit www. Is there Swap Points while trading Cryptocurrencies on MT5? Please note the spreads displayed in the website are all included extra trading commissions, as it shows the whole commissions charged by each broker. Financial Specialists and IT experts, mainly introduce solutions of Forex, CFD and Commodity Investment, and a number of Payment Services. Cryptocurrency on MT5 platform? CFDs carries a high level of risk since leverage can work both to your advantage and disadvantage.
Finance is copyrighted by us or the original sources and protected under intellectual property law and international copyright laws. Can I trade Cryptocurrency pairs with EUR, but not USD? CFDs may not be suitable for all investors because you may lose all your invested capital. All information on Hercules is only published for general information purposes. Filters out stuck quotes during market hours. Time and Sales for regular and ECN prints. Shows a certain number of trades backward when loading a new stock. This information will appear in Level II. If unchecked, the full volume for a quote will display. So, when you pull up a new stock, the share size will remain the same.
Level II area of the Trading window. This option will display the time of each print. Check to display the Level 2 Options tab in the Trading window. Will cancel all open orders for the loaded symbol. The maximum is 40 trades back. If unchecked, it will freeze at the prior close price. ECNs section in this manual or visit their website. Colors in the Trading window menu.
Will highlight all ECNs on Level II. Leave one of the fields blank. This option will be grayed out if you are not enabled for Level II. If checked, the full volume for a print will display. Time, where the largest size quote would be at the top of the tier. Messages related to your order. Window Level II display. Colors and clicking on the color wheel next to Watches. ECNs in Level II. Order Qty setting if both settings are selected. The default setting is active. Share Size field of the Trading window.
This option will be grayed out if you do not have Direct Access capability. Will cancel ALL OPEN ORDERS, both equity and option, regardless of symbol. Displays in Level II the time that the price server received the quote. This is the first entry for each item. Subject to Terms of Use. The fourth entry in each row allows you to purchase a put option contract for the product.
The second entry in each row leads to a list of available futures contracts for this product. Exchange rates with foreign currency, Pounds, Euros, etc. The ticker symbol for the futures contract is shown in parenthesis. To purchase a futures contract, click on this link. Market Data Powered By ComStock. The button that will take you to the next step of the open process. Bonds, Interest Rate Swaps, Notes, etc.
Choose the Open New Position menu item. At this point, you should see the name of the product you are looking for. Once you have found the desired exchange, you can choose a product on the exchange from the list. The third entry in each row allows you to purchase a call option contract for the product. Grains, Crops, Livestock, etc. Click on an exchange to see its commodities. You can also scroll down the page until you find the exchange you are looking for. The second entry for each row is the current price information.
At this point, we are ready to choose a product to open. Each product presents a number of options. In this case, the Put Options Link will be grayed out and inactive. Futures Link brings us to the Futures List for corn. This price will not be available until the contract stops trading. Lets look at the information given for each contract. The first entry for each contract denotes the maturity month and year for the contract. Gold, Silver, Aluminum, etc. This price will not be available until after the contract starts trading.
Across the top of the page, you will find a list of all exchanges available to you. Heating and cooling degree days. In this case, the Call Options Link will be grayed out and inactive. NinjaTrader support told me to do. The solution was simply to disconnect, close NT, and reconnect. NT support, so this may not help. You can reset all of your default instruments by following the steps below.
The historical data feed was down. CQG provides the live data and clears trades. DB and reset instruments. Ninja, not CQG, is important context. Just real time feed was working. Note: Any changes made to original instruments settings will be reset.
Time and Sales data? Ninja simply did not connect to them, for whatever reason. IP need access by cqg. The Trader Workstation offers Options Traders advanced selection and filtering menus to enable you to see only the strikes and expirations you are interested in trading. Implied Volatility, Historical Volatility and Industry Comparisons. Call designation with the drop down selections. Greek risk measures Delta, Gamma, Vega, Theta, etc. Make Delta Neutral will automatically add a hedging stock leg to the combo for a delta amount of the underlying.
You can Transmit the order directly from the method Builder tab or choose to add to the Quote Panel. The projected values in these fields include the anticipated account value including the expiring contract. method graph is drawn to the right as you specify each leg. Conversely, if you sell a spread and receive cash, enter a positive limit price. Edit order criteria then Transmit. Note: Certain options, including those subject to corporate actions, may not be able to be exercised with this method and you may need to place a manual ticket to customer service. The Volatility Lab provides a snapshot of past and future readings for volatility on a stock, its industry peers and some measure of the broad market. Click Add Stock to insert a stock leg for the current underlying.
Close Position button appears inactive. Hold your mouse over the Contract field to verify which option contracts will be sold and which will be purchased. Note color of close button indicates whether you will buy or sell to close. Credit or Debit spreads are identified in the method Builder, order row and on the Order Confirmation window. You can not difficult toggle between layouts using the View dropdown list. Market Data information for option chains drives the data in the integrated analytical tools accessible from the OptionTrader toolbar. Click More to display all available expirations, including weekly, monthly and quarterly expirations when available. Risk Analytics uses current market data along with interest and dividend values to calculate implied volatilities and option model prices. Use the Option Rollover to retrieve all options held in your portfolio about to expire and roll them over to a similar option with a later expiration date.
These fields display values at expiration and are highlighted in red. Evaluate multiple complex option strategies tailored to your forecast for an underlying with the Options method Lab. OptionTrader is an integrated suite of options tools allowing you to view, analyze, manage and trade options from a single customizable screen. You can modify the date, price and volatility for your portfolio, a subset of your portfolio or a specific underlying and the IB Risk Navigator will display the results of your Custom View alongside the current market view of the risk report data. Short positions at the bottom. Check Risk to monitor the potential change in your risk profile. To field for each contract will allow you to modify selected contract. To see just the projected margin and excess liquidity values for the expiring contract, double click the entry in the Account Information window. Simply check both Sell Calls and Buy Puts in the Describe section.
Load button to list the contracts based on your portfolio. TWS calculates the limit price. To avoid deliveries in expiring option and future option contracts, you must roll forward or close out positions prior to the close of the last trading day. Monthly contracts show white text, available weekly contracts display yellow text. In Chart Parameters icon under the What to Show drop down, you can select as the main focus of the chart as: Historical Volatility, Option Implied Volatility, Option Open Interest or Option Volume. TWS Roll Builder opens with Option Chains listed by Expiry and Strike price. Plug in your estimate for a Stock or ETF and TWS will return a variety of option strategies that are likely to have favorable outcomes with your forecast. Greeks or select a future date between now and the last trading date. The Tabbed View shows LTD and days to expiry information in each individual tab.
Make Delta Neutral insert a stock leg for the current underlying. This implied quote line can be added to any TWS Quote monitor or watchlist. Volatility and Analytics you can simply hover your cursor over the Bid or Ask price of contracts in the option chains to view the premium price in volatility terms. Pencil icon allows you to edit the automatically selected contracts. Additional LTD and strikes can be added using the button in the upper right. Order remains visible until filled. Always check your trade before transmitting.
Add to Quote Panel button creates an implied price line in the Quote panel, with optional rows for each leg of the spread. Greeks, and the volatility of a position. The Implied Volatility reading for the selected expiry is displayed. For a more complete risk profile, use the IB Risk Navigator. View filled orders for current trading session. Select order type and any price offsets, then click Create Orders button. Multiplier using the select lists along the bottom of the window.
Additional columns populate based on your inputs. IB FYIs are email notifications sent based on your account holdings. Click Refresh to view selected contracts based on your inputs. The Probability Lab SM offers a practical way to think about options without the complicated mathematics. Scheduled Action field to instruct TWS to either exercise or lapse the contract. The trader tool layout at the top of this window includes multiple panels to monitor the price of an underlying, display option chains, Greek risk measures as well as create and manage option and spread orders, all on a single customizable window. As you make adjustments the Order line in the method Builder updates. Collars are also supported so you can write calls and buy puts for long stock positions or buy calls and sell puts for short positions.
Describe section has drop downs to quickly specify selection criteria. The List View shows the contract LTD and days to expiration in the center column. Right click on an individual leg to find the Roll button. From Classic TWS use the toolbar icon or Trading Tools menu. In the case of index options, the market data for the futures reference contract is also required. Tabs across the top of the panel show upcoming expiries. Spread remains marketable when all legs are marketable at the same time. Options used in the spread are highlighted in the Option Chain. Click on the bid or ask price in the option chain panel to add a call or put as a leg in creating the spread method.
If you sell a spread and owe cash, you must enter a negative limit price. Note: Standard Deviations can also be plotted on the TWS Charts using the Estimated Price Range in Chart Parameters box. Both views show Calls on the left and puts on the right and both display the color coded strike price in the center column. The Model Navigator window comprises three main sections: the Contract Description Pane which shows all available options in an expandable tree, the Volatility Model Pane which displays the volatility curve plots, and the Volatility Curve Table table which lists associated strike prices and implied volatilities. method Builder is integrated in the stand alone window to allow for complex spread strategies, without leaving the OptionTrader. To access the Roll Builder go to your portfolio page and Right click on an individual options contract to launch the Roll Builder.
Model prices, when added to the Option Chain fields display in a range of colors for a quick glance indication of where they fall in relation to the current bid and ask prices. The Options Rollover tool has a Details sidecar that displays when you click a contract in the Review Options to Roll section. The Option Analytics window has been updated. Use to modify option pricing assumptions, including the volatility, interest rates and dividends, and have the Model Navigator use these values in its option model price calculations. For Spreads use the plus icon to expand and view individual fill prices for each leg. Use the Model Navigator to modify pricing assumptions and recalculate the model price. Always see your prediction alongside the market implied calculation.
Use the system calculated delta or specify your own. Optimal Action field displays when the values of any of your US options positions would be maximized by exercising prior to a dividend. Right click on the complex spread line and select Close button. Note: Option model computation requires market data for both the option and its underlying. Orders will display in the Orders panel. Executions can be viewed on the Trades tab.
This integrated performance profile, allows you to quickly and efficiently compare, analyze, and modify these strategies before placing your trades. Hold your cursor over the strike price to reveal a popup box detailing Standard Deviation relating to the required movement from the prevailing price of the underlying to reach the strike price. Probability Distribution to create your own custom Probability Distribution. On a blank tab title bar, the underlying field retains previous symbols accessed in the dropdown list. Prior to expiration, you can choose to roll forward an open options contract by closing your existing contract and opening a new option position at a different expiration, strike price or both with the TWS Roll Builder. Volatility Change, Option Volume change, Put Call ratios and Open Interest.
When created, an order row appears on the Orders tab with default values. Customize with select market data fields. To create a custom view, open a report and on the View menu select Custom Scenario. The instruction is displayed similar to an order row. Calendar spreads are created in the Order management panel. Access the Options Exercise window from the Mosaic Account menu or in Classic TWS from the Trade menu.
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