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Design is the indicator. Rho is the least used of all the option Greeks in our experience, measuring the sensitivity of the option pricing to interest rates. That is, the more time left til expiration, the greater the Vega of the option. Free Valuation webinar on Nov 21st 2017 enter now! Greek letters flying around these days when analyzing managed futures programs. The Greeks are measures of the different option dimensions, or sensitivities, to price, time, and volatility.
And just like Gamma is a sort of qualifier for Delta; Vega can be thought of as related to Theta. Being short gamma means the closer prices get to your underlying price, the worse things get. Well, consider that buying an option means tying that money up until the expiration date, and selling it likewise means the ability to earn the income on the proceeds until the expiration date. What Is Black Friday, When Is It Happening, What Is The History? Given these factors, option pricing models consider the cost of money, or interest rates. That cone is the Vega of the option, and is greater the further rout in time you go, as volatility today can push further out ranges even wider. Gamma is the measure of that acceleration factor.
Delta Hedging, Short Gamma, Theta Burn, and Vega Risk. These definitions can get tricky. Quick on the heels of Delta is Gamma. In that manner, a trader can target just an options time or volatility decay and not worry about which way the market is moving, again, all else being equal. Imagine the cone of uncertainty they show when tracking hurricanes. It all goes back to risk. Delta may accelerate faster for options closer to the money, shorter duration, and so on. You smile and nod without perhaps knowing exactly what these terms mean, and just like that, what started as a good meeting now has you distracted. Not the airlines, of course.
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