See dealAuto in config. Your ad could be here, right now. If the amount is not specified, this will add all of your zennies. Add inventory items to current deal. Add zenny to current deal. Request a deal with the specified player. If the amount is not specified, this assumes the maximum amount of the item available.
Ads by Project Wonderful! But still no luck i still lost my zeny. You are scaming bots, i said no im just testing a solution because someone took my zennies from my bot again. YOU WILL GO TO HELL. Bone in the trade window even though there is really nothing on it. He just scammed mine 5 times. SOrry for my bad explanation. It seems as though my bot cannot completely finish the checking process of getting the number of items prior to the quick finalization of the deal; ergo, it forwards 0 zeny for its evaluation of the final deal. Then he said that he wants to help me. QUICKLY followed by okay, my bot forwards 0 zeny. At first i resist that maybe he will just put some keylogger or autoPM password on whatever he will do. But because i really want to solve it, i let him help me. The i realize that maybe the bot can still recognize the code if its log is set.
When I tried incorporating square brackets, some errors transpired. So he just partychat the code. Then i tried looking at my logs folder at the chat. Someone will take your zeny i mean all of your zeny without your bot receiving anything that you want to buy. PM you the code you can read from your bot console that there is an error from the IFSTATEMENT. Then he will press okay. If you want to sue this macros expect that you will lost all your money. Some item sellers think my bot runs out of zeny which make them choose to sell their items to my competitors instead.
Your bot will do nothing. What have you done so far? To my shock i just saw him dealing my bot and my bot deals all his zeny, i was in a shock that i did not close my bot. The abuser will deal your bot. The first time that it was done to me. Here is how he do it. Im gonna try this. Finally you can say goodbye to dual client. How about to transfer zeny manually? Login your first character that got item to transfer. Please pray to God always.
You dont need dual client anymore. Do u think this info is useful? List down what item you want to transfer. You need to turn off your ai so your bot wont move anywhere. In the bot console type move 158 89 prontera as stated above. You will need inventory command to display your item in bot console. The command is ai off. Display a list of all available inventory items. If not please leave a suggestion so i can improve it. This will bring your second character beside your main character that want to transfer item.
This will include your main character. Type where in your bot console. God bless us all! Now main character type deal to establish deal. Remember this because we will need this later. In this example you want to transfer Fabric to your second char. After a while type pl to list down all player around you. Today i will provide an example how to do it with openkore bot.
Now locate where is your location because your second character will need this. This will start a deal between both character. This time we will use deal command. On second character should do the same type deal 2 times and will finish the deal. Display your character and account ID. Take an item from the ground. Display the version of openkore.
Adds an item to the auction. Does a bingbing body turn. Display possible commands for auction. List monsters that are on screen. Delay the next console commands. Send a sequence of responses to an NPC. Use skill on slave.
Dump the current packet receive buffer without quitting. Move 5 steps northwest. Use item on monster. Use skill on player. Interacts with mail box window. Removes item from auction. Display the status of your vending shop.
Display a list of slaves in your immediate area. Close your vending shop. Trade items with another player. List portals that are on screen. Open your vending shop. List nearby vending shops.
Evaluate a Perl expression. Use item on yourself. Manually talk to an NPC. Attempt to create a food item. Does a bangbang body turn. Display shop items from NPC. Dump the current packet receive buffer and quit.
Use skill on self. Show what your vending shop would sell. Tank for a player. Shows your current location. Displays last few entries of the item log. Respawn back to the save point.
Move 5 steps south. Handle items in Kafra storage. Drop an item from the inventory. Search for an auction according to the criteria. Send a message in the battlegrounds chat. Display current AI sequences. Sell items to an NPC. List players that are on screen.
Look in a certain direction. Display items on the ground. Gives a report about your inventory weight. Teleport to a random location. Use item on player. Move 5 steps north. Returns the mail to the sender. Look at a certain player.
List items in the current deal. Save current position for warp portal. Display the number of people on the current server. List NPCs that are on screen. Here are the command descriptions stored. Clear the item log. Display last few entries from the chat log.
Move 5 steps east. Chat in the party chat. Buy items from vending shops. Use skill on ground spell. Does a doridori head turn. Reload source code files. Send a private message. Chat in the guild chat.
List area effect spells on screen. Use skill on location. Move 5 steps southeast. Use skill on monster. List pets that are on screen. Clear the chat log. Log out then log in again.
Identify an unindentified item. Move 5 steps west. Move 5 steps northeast. Move 5 steps southwest. Stop attacking a monster. Send a raw packet to the server. Chat in the public chat.
Ask server to exit to the character selection screen. Displays your auction info. RO at first time ko magbot. Welcome to my site. But now im a semi quit pRO player and just want to share my knowledge in configuring bots. Pki email nman ng auto storage na config pls. Thanks for your efforts! Openkore plugins folder and name it for autotrade.
Sir can you tell me how to limit when buying? Other person added item which is not in buy list, cancelling. Elunium for 100k Zeny. Sell list has been cleared. That character already planned to be erased! Character information not yet available. PIN code is incorrect. There are no characters on this account. To delete a character you must withdraw from the party!
Escape failed no portal found. Login PIN code has been changed successfully. Trying to released the cart. Cannot use pause command now. Auto disconnecting on ServerShutDown! The specified plugin names do not exist. Using Teleport Skill Level 2 though we not have it! You do not have a shop open.
Show or hide the chat log. You are not on a sell or store npc interaction. Edit advanced configuration options. To delete a character you must withdraw from the guild! Auto disconnecting on death! Auction window has not been opened or is empty.
Translation Comment: List of allies. Error: You are underaged and cannot join this server. Your entered birthday does not match. You can login with the Ragnarok Online client now. Configure autoSpell to automatically select skill for Auto Spell. Your Homunculus was recalled!
Wrong talk resp sintax. Unable to send PIN code. Your sell list is empty. Your guild is full. Select the character you want to delete. You accepted the guild join request. Skills list is not ready yet.
The login PIN code that you entered is incorrect. You died, auto disconnect! Client did not respond in time. An unknown error has occurred. Four Spirit Analysis is ready. Error: No description available. Guild create failed: Guild name already exists. You must specify a number. Show or hide the information bar.
Name must not be longer than 23 characters. Connecting to Character Server. Your Arrows is ended, auto disconnect! Unable to walk while the shop is open! Connecting to Account Server. Join request failed: ANSWER_JOINMSG_REFUSE. Error: IP capacity of this Internet Cafe is full. Feeding it now will lower intimacy.
Please choose a master server to connect to. Please enter your Ragnarok Online username. Requesting permission to logon on account server. Congratulations, you are the MVP! Connecting to Character Select Server. We apologize for this problem. Other players are allowed to view your Equipment. No guild member information available. Please choose a character or an action.
Player is facing towards you. Exceeded the maximum number attempts to reconnect, auto disconnect! Checking for new portals. Your Homunculus was resurrected! Your PIN should never contain anything but exactly 4 numbers. Unknown error when trying to cancel the deletion of the character! The PIN code may only contain digits. This file is distributed under the same license as OpenKore. Other players are not allowed to view your Equipment.
Please check your installation. Please check this matter. This plugin cannot be loaded because of a problem in the plugin. Character stats information not yet available. You may get support from IRC or the forums. No item was selected. Your Homunculus was vaporized!
IP stack is broken. Mailbox has not been opened or is empty. Auto disconnecting on MaxReconnections! PIN password is not set for this account. Auto disconnecting on ServerClose! Guild information is not yet available.
Waiting for map to load. No NPC response list available. Your shop does not have a title. That person is opening storage. You already got a reservation group active! This program has encountered an unexpected problem. Timeout on Character Server, reconnecting. Please dial to activate the login procedure. You are the party leader.
Your version of XSTools library is incompatible. You have old files in the OpenKore folder, which may cause conflicts. That person is too far from you to trade. Your storage is not available. No items were dropped. Timeout on Map Server, connecting to Account Server.
Character cannot be deleted. Please read the documentation for a list of commands. Unknown job or sex. Unknown error when trying to delete the character! Amount must either be a number, or not specified. Enter your Ragnarok Online password again. Cart inventory is not available. His homunculus has been named or not under conditions to be renamed! You do not have a buying shop open.
Translation Comment: Is the party user on list online? New portals have been added to the portals database. Join request failed: ANSWER_INVALID_MAPPROPERTY. Character status information not yet available. That person is overweight; you cannot trade. Openkore will stay disconnected. There are no items to sell.
Damage Taken Report reset. Your cart is not available. Timeout on Account Server, reconnecting. That person is in another deal. You must specify a response. Press ENTER to continue.
You are not in a guild. Disable autoSpell_safe to use it anyway. Please equip arrow first. Error: No slave detected. Press ENTER to exit this program. There are no players near you. Change Material is ready.
Invalid server specified or server does not exist. Someone trying to login! Your version of the XSTools library is too old. You have not died yet. You need this with a cart in order to create a shop! Type guild to refresh and then try again. Disconnecting to avoid GM! Invalid NPC information for autoBuy, autoSell or autoStorage! Translation Comment: List of enemies. Trying to set up shop.
Item Appraisal has failed. Found warp portal escaping into warp portal. Your homunculus is not yet hungry. Auto disconnecting on PM! The login PIN code that you entered is invalid. Generating session Admin Password. Timeout on Character Select Server, reconnecting.
This item cannot be traded. Auto disconnecting on Disconnect! Enter your Ragnarok Online username again. Avoiding bug in client. You denied the guild join request. Join request failed: Party is full.
Guild create failed: Emperium is needed. No guild information available. You must specify a string. The PIN code must be between 4 and 9 characters. Target is already in a guild. Critical Error: You must pay to play this account! Admin Password due to default.
Your inventory is not available. Need to update the file msgstringtable. Server requested PIN password in order to select your character. Escaping to into nearest portal. Critical Error: Your account has been blocked. There are no items near. Vender ID is wrong. Please enter your Ragnarok Online password.
Unable to walk while inside a chat room! The server has denied your connection. You are not in a Chat Room. You disconnected, auto disconnect! Character weight information not yet available. Location not yet available. You are already in a chat room.
Windows default language to English. You cannot delete this character at the moment. You do not have a cart. Message Dumped into DUMP. Due to system settings, can not be deleted. PIN code is correct. Connecting to Map Server.
Dex must all be equal to 10. Log out then log in. Homunculus hunger reaches the return value. Buyer ID is wrong. Join request failed: unknown error. No suitable browser detected. Please select your login server. Mobile Authentication: Max number of simultaneous IP addresses reached. Failed to change the login PIN code. You are not currently in a card merge session.
Please delete your entire OpenKore source folder, and redownload everything. Error in database of the server! Auto disconnecting on EmptyArrow! Click on one of the categories on the left to begin. Client did not respond. You have entered 3 incorrect login PIN codes in a row. Client Command, Kore Command. The manual describes all of the configuration options and commands for the latest Openkore release and Openkore SVN version. Drop the item when it enters your inventory.
Openkore Wiki Value, Description. Store items from inventory and cart. Custom Ragnarok Online client. Kafra Employee: what can I do for you today? Store items from inventory. Sorry, an error occurred. Toda Semana Estarei Atualizando o Link! Agora Com o Novo Sistema Para Asgard!
Usually, a swordsman type or a archer type would do this pretty well. Its the map where Eddga hangs out. If you were a donor, I would say Whitesmith for the Weight Capacity and the ability to throw the Angra. You can vend it for 15m. There is Moscovia Forest 1, kill the Mavkas for their Witherless Roses. If you want to make money, I suggest you make a Star Gladiator or Champion, and hit the MVP rooms.
Hope this helps, and good luck! Or an alternative is to kill Wild Rose, but I cannot remember where they spawn. Usually i just grind my exp and hunt at thors. There is a nice map full of Nine Tails that drops Old Blue Boxes. Dex is bow damage and agi is avoidance and some attack speed. They can get to max ASPD not difficult, and are able to kill from distance. The Star Crumbs on the Miyabi dolls are worth around 2k, if I remember right. There, your focus is to kill SUCCUBUS and INCUBUS, for their valuable rings, and mastella fruits.
Champions kill stuff faster in there, but Star Gladiators are easier to level. If you go to Payon, and go down 1 and left 2, you will get there. Depends really on your levels and what you do with your glass. Also, there is a guide in the Guides section with even more zeny making ideas. Also, by rare chance you spot a bloody knight, go ahead and kill it, as it may drop Strong Shield! RRO for about 2 months. You can always try Gonyrun Dungeon 1, and kill the peach trees for their Royal Jelly. MVP Card which you can sell for extra moneys too. Apart from that, just kill and loot everything, store it all and sell it all at once.
Your strength has become your weakness! Death awaits you in a minute! Hmm, well if you say you are too low a level for Juperos or Geffinia, then your options are a little limited at this point. As Zeny is the main currency in the game, how rich a player is or how much gear and items they can afford is reliant on how much capital they have in terms of Zeny. Anytime there is a temporary event in Ragnarok that has some type of item reward players want, the items necessary for that quest can be farmed and sold to other players. Free to Play server you can put your merchant character on a second account and log into that account in the background, letting you keep a shop open and play with your primary character at the same time. With this setup you move items and zeny back and forth between the two accounts via the Mail System.
Some items that have a high value can be hunted or obtained through Quests. Using the vending skill a merchant character can set up a shop where items are offered for a price determined by the player. Adding recommendations to this article is highly appreciated. Zeny mostly originates from selling items to NPCs, but selling to older players who already have large amounts of Zeny is usually the main method to attain decent wealth. The big advantage of selling items this way is that once the shop is set up the process is entirely automated, so you can make zeny while doing other things on your computer, or even while away from your computer. The most common way of making zeny is via selling items, most commonly ones dropped by monsters or made by the player, and less commonly items gained via Quests, Battlegrounds and Minigames. Most players who want to make a lot of zeny from selling items via an efficient automated process create a merchant character. The basics start with selling items to NPCs and Vending. You only need to get your merchant up to Job Level 10 to get the vending skill if you spend your skill points solely towards getting that skill, at which point you can open a shop containing a maximum of three items.
The completed quest item itself can also sometimes be sold, if that is more profitable. Salva a chave do config. Pense logicamente em quais passos o bot precisar realizar na automacro. Cada par hash consiste de uma chave e um valor. Checa a contagem de itens do personagem. Analisando linha por linha. Checa se tem um personagem perto que o nome coincide com o regex. Para parar manualmente, digite eventMacro stop. Aumente o macro_delay ou adicione um pause entre os comandos da sua macro.
Checa o zeny atual do personagem. Checa se o mapa atual coincide com o regex definido. Essas sub usam sintaxe Perl. Checa se o personagem tem algum dos status definidos. Kore que o automacro termina aqui. Salva o valor do config. Vamos tentar uma macro mais complicada. Checa se tem um monstro perto que o nome coincide com o regex. Mesma macro, utilizando o controle em sufixo.
Usa o nome do item. Checa se o mapa de pvp coincide com os mapas definidos. Retorna, aleatoriamente, um dos argumentos fornecidos. Quando atacando metalings, eles frequentemente removem sua arma e seu bot, muito inteligente, ataca com socos! Inicia a macro MACRO. Kore vai automaticamente reequipar aquela arma. Usa a ID do item. IsInMapAndCoordinate prontera, 100 200, gef_fild10 100.
AI do openkore, ou pelo macro_delay. Esta macro faz isso. Para executar a automacro de novo, o comando release deve ser executado. EventMacro foi escrito por Henrybk. Temos mais que 1000z! ID da quest e o ID do mob. Temos menos que 1000z! Veja os Comandos de Console.
Checa se tem um Npc perto que o nome coincide com o regex. Checa se o personagem tem uma certa quantidade do determinado item. Perl e tem suporte a scalars, arrays e hashes. Checa o peso atual do carrinho do personagem. Coloque suas macros e automacros aqui. Usa como valor o slot que quer equipar, e a ID do equipamento. Neste caso estou usando este comando para que o bot na continue andando. Note que possui aspas. Os dois exemplos acima fazem a mesma coisa.
Para resolver isso, abra seu eventMacro. Algum if retornou verdadeiro! Kore para ser realizado. Checa a quantidade de itens no carrinho. Exibe um texto no console. Bem interessante a ideia em? Quando seu valor for 0 a macro pode ser interrompida por outros automacros. Similar a um if seguindo por N elsif. Este erro ocorre quando suas eventMacros.
Kore que os comandos terminam aqui, ou seja, determina o fim do macro. Usa a ID da quest. Se move para o portal e VOILA! CheckOnAI define em qual estado da AI o automacro pode ativar. Checa se uma ou mais das chaves do config. Usa o nome do Item.
Usa a ID do Item. Checa o HP atual do personagem. CPU que seu predecessor. EventMacro foi testado no beta por emsjustin. Eu fui desconectado do servidor de mapas enquanto estava rodando uma macro! Exemplo: InStorageID 504 100. Exemplo: InCartID 507 100. Com isso vc pode evitar problemas por quais o mercador passa. Caso seu Sacer tenha pouca dex, este atraso deve ser aumentado.
Checa o peso atual do personagem. Npc perto que o nome coincide com o regex. Aceita somente a ID da classe. Checar se tem uma sala de chat com o nome que coincide com o regex. Checa se a coordenada atual coincide com uma das coordenadas definidas. Checa o SP atual do personagem.
Todos os if retornaram falso! Follow the SPECIFIED INSTRUCTIONS BELOW. PLEASE TRY TO DO IT AND REPORT IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO YOU THANK YOU! You can setup a chatroom by editing your macros. Just download the autotrade. You need the config option in config.
You have to set up a bot in a chat room, then when someone deals it, it will automatically add the money you want to give for the item. As MELO was desperately looking for a solution to his auto trade problem. MAY BUG PO PALA UNG AUTOTRADE. If you have no plugins folder, create! Openkore download atualizado e sempre atualizado com Tortoise e com Campais e KVM! September 2014 at This is the Guide for Openkore BOT Macro I will teach you how to use this Macro Plugins Download the here After you download. method YTC Price Action Trader.
Auto Trade Macro Application and when. Trade; Macro For Training Ground; Xmas Portal Fixed. Absa forex rates exchange outstanding stock options definition Jan 15, 2016. Rather Be Trading For A Living. The YTC Price Action Trader provides a discretionary approach to trading the. Billion fine for rigging the foreign exchange market, and has, over time.
Try our Foreign Exchange Calculator. Toronto Congress Centre North Building, Hall D 650 Dixon. Most of the configuration settings in this file are optional. As an accredited CAE Certified Events Professional, you can rest not difficult. Rates are indications only and Nedbank Ltd accepts no responsibility for any. Openkore auto trade config pricing options black scholes? Barclays was hit with a how to use derivatives in stock market Openkore auto trade config thames valley auto bike trader OpenKore Forums.
When Kore is ready to use a certain type of block configuration, Kore checks each defined block from top to bottom and stops when it finds a block whose defined attributes or conditions are met. ANC Youth League blames Absa for the rand crash. Colors shown indicate the amount of change in the exchange rate for a currency pair. RO, dan Spesial Thx. Gamerzplanet is a website where all gamerz gather and chat about all the latest online games such as Maple Story, World of Warcraft, DiabloII, Gunbound, Silkroad, Crossfire, Gunz Online, Pangya, Warrock, Rose Online, Counter Strike, Rakion, and all of the online popluar games! Your Max SP will stay increased for the next minute.
There is no mail in your inbox. You own no pet. Why do monsters and pets use nameID as type? Your Attack strength will stay increased for the next minute. Reset item and skill times. TODO: tweak this message?
Items have been sold out. Used the shop skill. We should mimic this behavior. Override this function if you need to. You have failed to win the auction. TODO test if we must use ID to know if the packets are meant for us. Please wait 10 seconds before trying to log out. PIN code has never been set before, so set it. For your config to use the new details you will need to reset the master server in your config. Lets Disable this, its kinda useless.
TODO: more meaningful messages? You have successfully bid in the auction. You rejected the offer. This file contains information about master servers. You cannot end the auction. Attack or use Skills because your Weight Limit has been exceeded.
Configured autoSpell is not available. Join request failed: the character is not currently online or does not exist. Auction window is now closed. FIXME: There is more to this packet than just party name and guild name. Your Max HP will stay increased for the next minute. You must be at least character level 70 in order to adopt someone. Successfully added attachment to inventory. Openkore are very slow with updates haha!
The Memorial Dungeon has been removed. The auction has been canceled. Your mercenary soldier has ran away. This function is a merge of actor_exists, actor_connected, actor_moved, etc. All abnormal status effects have been removed. ID is already unpacked into PLAIN TEXT when it gets to this function. TODO how to accept? Failed to get the attachment to inventory due to your weight. You cannot adopt a married person.
Mail window is now opened. FIXME: what will be in case of two items with the same nameID? TODO: what is type? You do not have enough Zeny. The Memorial Dungeon reservation has been canceled. Unable to send character password. TODO: merge with skills_list? Please enter your storage password. Successfully changed storage password.
You are a guildmaster. You have failed to bid into the auction. Homunculus is put to rest. TODO: was it added to an actorList yet? You will be immune to abnormal status effects for the next minute. All of your Stats will stay increased for the next minute.
Please enter your character password. Your mercenary soldier has been killed. An auction with at least one bidder cannot be canceled. Skills because Weight Limit has been exceeded. How was the above formula derived? You accepted the offer.
But now I have fixed it. You cannot find any trace of a Boss Monster in this area. This must be fixed. Successfully entered storage password. Ugly; AI code in network subsystem! Your Accuracy and Flee Rate will stay increased for the next minute. Real RO client can be receive this message without NPC Information.
Please relog in to the game to continue playing. Your armor will remain blessed with Holy power for the next minute. Your Defense will stay increased for the next 10 seconds. You got a good point. Your weapon will remain blessed with Holy power for the next minute. Msg may be undefined. View player equip request denied.
You have ended the auction. Bid number is incorrect. Hi everyone, for any Openkore users that bot on iRO Valkyrie, the recent VIP changes and updates to the server have made bots ineffective for a short period, this is due to the packets being received by the bot had changed once the bot got to the character selection portion of the login process. Borrow sub gameguard_request because it use the same mechanic. This can never happen of course. TODO: add real client messages and logic? Mail window is now closed. Unable to send storage password. Error: For an hour, more than 10 connections having same IP address, have made.
Your Hate and Feel targets have been resetted. But hair_style is used for pets, and their bodies can look different ways. TODO: add actual functionality, maybe alter field? Previously identified monsters could suddenly be identified as pets. If you like the community, please support it by making a donation. Would you like to pay the personal base? Ihis one will make Window, as Client logic do. The Memorial Dungeon expired; it has been destroyed. Auction window is now opened. Secondly you will need to replace recvpackets.
This needs more investigation. You do not have enough Zeny to pay the Auction Fee. TODO: we do this for homunculus, mercenary and our char. PIN code query request. You are not a guildmaster. You have entered the wrong password 5 times. You need to be at least base level 10 to send private messages.
Error: You have been forced to disconnect by a Hack Shield. You have won the auction. Remove actors with a distance greater than removeActorWithDistance. Error: Incorrect storage password. Receive names of players who are in a guild. Your mercenary soldier has been fired. Failed to send mail, the recipient does not exist. FIXME: why do we need a seperate variable to track how many items are left in the store?
You cannot register more than 5 items in an auction at a time. TODO do something with sourceID, targetID? No item in auction. Failed to get the attachment to inventory. So we use the existing actor information. Interesting note about emblemID. ID or account ID? Critical hunger level reached.
Window, in some rare cases. You cannot adopt more than 1 child. You cannot place more than 5 bids at a time. The block size in the received_characters packet varies from server to server. You have too many alliances. The Memorial Dungeon expired it has been destroyed. Area effect spell; including traps! Logged out from the server succesfully.
And use them to set status flags. Or just keep that mechanic the same as it is now. Like WSS, Cobwebs, Gemstones, Strawberries? Not that it really matters much but it just seems a little unnecessary to change. That would serve a dual purpose of lessening the bot farms for woe supplies, and offering a consistent zeny sink to help balance the market by having set prices for these items. Board Badges for gears could be good, but there already exists one hell of a useful starting gear system. Bot can pick up loots instantly, why they need bounty board zeny? BB sytem, I relied solely on zeny from selling drops to npcs and zeny rewards from the boards I did. Kind of against WoE supplies as starting to provide those can be an issue.
It would give a better idea of what is possible. Only if I nerf all condensed potions. Have a single board NPC that checks your level and prompts the appropriate bounties rather than having a separate board NPCs for each level bracket. Maybe, at least, a breakdown of how the quest flags are set up. EMBs but well, not EMBs. Honestly I think everyone would choose no cd and no zeny over cd and zeny if that was the only 2 choices. Also, I think Jaye was being serious and not trolling. At least have the kills count towards the normal bounties. Why not instead of zeny do consumables? Pretty sure it heals more.
More of an issue than bots farming woe supplies? Keeping the zeny reward would allow players to participate in the economy. CD for now and add it when we finally get a better means of leveling to 175 in like 7 years. Its not not difficult making macro on openkore to farm bounty board, ok? CD, it sounds like a decent idea EXCEPT for the fact that it would put a huge dent into Bio4, which is currently the only means of leveling past 150 for many classes. Tkwan and Beata in terms of it though since it has become a discussion. How about the bounties be randomly pulled from a larger pool, specific to each area, that rotates at set times? Why make changes when everything works properly? This should be supplemented by an npc that offers a similar selection for zeny at relatively higher prices. CD on BBs would be a bad move.
Actually, I like the idea of supplies. If you go with that please put a check on the chara weight limit so the reward is not lost if the inventory is full or overweight. Noobies need both zeny and exp reward, earning zeny is always a big touble for noobies. But adding a CD now would be a real hindrance and slow the leveling process by, like, A LOT.
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