Sunday, December 31, 2017

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And trust me, when you are just getting started it is very frustrating to see an option price that you want and when you place your trade you get filled at 10 or 20 cents away from where you thought you were getting filled. Each brokerage firm has a different platform and so the ease of placing orders is different. You might think that buying options on one platform is the same as buying options on another platform. One think I know for sure is that all brokers are not the same. There are many other factors to consider when opening that option brokers account besides just the commission. Finally, beyond price and ease of use, the other thing to consider before you open an option brokerage account is their current marketing promotion. Brokers often have several different commission structures depending on the size of your account and the number of trades you will make per month or per quarter. As with anything you hear, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The commissions are reasonable and the order executions are excellent.

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Try ETRADE PowerTrader; I highly recommend it. Brokers commission changes based on the number of contacts you will be trading with each order so consider the size of your trade. Scottrade might have slightly lower commissions than ETRADE, but I find its platform outdated, slow, and just plain unattractive. These brokerages know that it is very expensive to acquire a customer and it is much easier to maintain a customer. Some brokers now offer a guaranteed order fill time or your trade is commission free. The commissions are similar, but ETRADE seems to be ahead of the curve by also offering access to 6 global equities markets in case you want to trade a Canadian, European, or Asian stock. The more money you have, the longer you have had the account, and the more trading history you have the more likely you can get a reduction.

ETRADE or TradeKing are good starter platforms.

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Because the only purpose of this software is to make you deposit money with a broker from a selected group that scammers are affiliated with. If you want to see real binary options trading without risking your money, try a free demo account. Although this demand is a nonsense, there is a big offer that responds to it. This software is not based on a real profitable method, it just uses some indicators and executes more or less random trades based on these indicators. There is a company that programmed a white label binary options robot and is selling it. Every time scammers just place a new logo on the software and use it to scam people. So it supposed to make you money for free, because it is free. Then you can decide whether you want to trade binary options and prepare a profitable method before going live with your money. If you are provided with a demo, always check it against a real price feed from a reputable broker so that you can see if the results are real or not. They force you to deposit first, so you will be risking and losing your money with it. Look at the picture on the right, besides Binary Robot 365 this same software is used by Trusted Binary Bot or Final Signals for example. But every time a new scammer buys this white label robot he says that it is a unique software developed by highly skilled professionals, blah, blah, blah.

This software can even provide a demo that fakes results to make you believe that it is really working. BinaryRobot365 falls into this group. BINARY ROBOT 365 is a SCAM. So scammers go and buy this robot and place their logos on it. When you trade your account with their robot and lose money, they will already have earned their commission on you, so it will be too late. They get paid for referring new depositors to their brokers and they use this worthless robot to just make you do that. Binary Robot 365 is a scam based on a white label piece of software used by scammers. Once a successful trade is achieved it goes back to the normal trade amount. This is the regular system and we recommend it to the newbies in binary options.

Within just a few months, it has gained itself a reputable name in the binary option industry.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

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Please seek independent advice if necessary. Spread Betting, CFD Trading and Forex Trading are leveraged products and can result in losses that exceed your deposits.

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The reason that Binary options are such a popular online trading type is that they are extremely simple to understand. You can also perform a background check on different brokerages by visiting online forums. Some call it gambling and others say its skilled trading. Unlike other trading types you know the risk and reward you face even before you make a trade. Wild West of the internet. Where you need to predict if the asset price will stay within a certain range by the expiry or whether it will move outside of that range. Welcome To Binary Trading. Trading binary options is illegal in quite a number of countries therefore it is important to first find out the policies around the country you wish to trade from. Additionally there will be no one to turn to should the broker not be forthcoming in processing your withdrawals.

Not at all, but it does mean that your best interests are not protected and you will find it very hard to lodge a complaint. Binary options have opened up the gateway to trading so that literally anyone can get involved. Why Binary Options over other trading types? Well worth trying a demo to both test out the broker and also to test out your own trading strategies. No worrying about when to close the options, they close automatically! These come for a small premium.

in the UK, ASIC in Australia and in Cyprus. The most important thing to thing to do before putting your money into binary options is to know the most attributes that tell it apart from a scam.

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The whole system only works with the broker EZTrader. Note the inscription at the top corner. These two things contradict each other. They are supposed to send trading signals to users. The following is a paid commercial advertisement by actors representing this product. However, there are different versions of the system for every country. As we have already said many times and many times will say yet: Binary options are a not a scam, but fraudulent schemes are, unfortunately, connected with the world of binary options. Why would anyone in the system allow only a limited number of people, but at the same time advertise the system everywhere? The site says that the software is available only for a limited number of people.

The algorithm generating trading signals Ultimate4Trading was apparently created by John Cross and his friends while studying at a university in the USA. Great, now I can buy the system! If you have already put money into this system, tell us please your story so we can warn other potentially deceived people! Definitely, avoid this project. The price just moves different for everyone. For example the author of the Italian version of this fraudulent project, Trading 30 Elode, which is exactly the same as Ultimate4Trading, is Giovanni Croce. But it is a mistake! This program is built like most other binary options fraudulent schemes.

If you want, you can find reviews of more fraudulent systems on our website. However, the problem is that the signals Ultimate4Trading do not work. Ultimate4Trading offers one crucial thing: the opportunity to try the system on a demo account. Demo account offered by the authors of this system is rigged and it is not possible to trade according to it! Here I have prepared a list of clues using you can use to tell whether a system is a scam or not. But on their demo account all trades, or at least most of them, succeed.

Options in trading 6 month old car

My car was purchased at a Local Lexus Dealer and not a BMW if this makes any difference? BMW continues to show that it sets the bar for true driving performance! Id greatly appreciate some help. Your deal is a little different you financed a new car, you will lose a lot more money than the OP will. Therefore it made me wonder if I can make it happen? You may wind up with 4 doors, but you will be paying dearly for the convenience. Although I am only about 1000 upsidedown of my loan, I still reference the trade in value to the sold amount of the car.

This is your only reasonable option if it is possible. It is only about 5 months old now and I only paid about 3k in payments. Best thing you can do is make payments for a while then trade! The trade in value for my car is only 30k so I will lose 6k on the car. No offense, but maybe a BMW is not the best vehicle you could be owning. Even more obscene is taking out a 6 year loan on a 4 year old car. Easiest way is to trade it in on what you want. Choose your poison and be more careful car shopping next time. Can it be done, yes.

The other option is I trade it in soon before the next depreciation hits. This is my first time ever financing a car so please bare with me. Purchased my car 6 months ago but want to trade? Subaru, Honda, Kia, Toyota, etc. The longer you keep it the lower that monthly average will be. Pretty much what i expected out of this, and the reason for starting this thread was because yesterday night I got home to a letter from my local BMW with an invitation to come test drive the new 3 series and on that letter it said they will pay top dollars for my BMW trade no matter how much I owed. Is it going to cost you a lot of money. These are the three fundamental components of the new generation race car driver!

Any chance you can just live with the 2 door? There is no way you can dig yourself out of this situation, by purchasing another vehicle. The E9X is the 4th evolution of the BMW 3 series including a highly tuned twin turbo 335i variant pushing out 300hp and 300 ft. APR on a 5 year old car unless you finance it for 3 years or less. If you do, and you have decent credit, look at Pentagon FCU www. So as Kathy said, the longer you hold on to something you dont like, you will loose more because you get less back from the resale value. Lose lose situation on that but at least its resale value is up there.

Dont mean to jack your thread OP, but maybe we both can learn out of this. Looking at kbb, the avg trade in is 30k. If it was me, I would at least pay the car down some maybe one or two years. You are talking about a 11k hit in 6 months.

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Options trading basics quantum

These simplifications make the respective theories not only easier to analyze but also easier to implement on a computer. For example, in order to take advantage of inaccurately priced stock options, the computation must complete before the next change in the almost continuously changing stock market. The Journal of Political Economy. As a result, numerical methods and computer simulations for solving these problems have proliferated. In particular, when it comes to option pricing, there is additional complexity resulting from the need to respond to quickly changing markets. Merton assumption regarding the behavior of the stock underlying the option. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity. This is one of the reasons why it is possible that a quantum option pricing model could be more accurate than a classical one. To support this idea, Khrennikov builds on a framework of contextual probabilities using agents as a way of overcoming criticism of applying quantum theory to finance. Rubinstein option pricing formula in certain circumstances.

This is because the stock is being treated like a quantum boson particle instead of a classical particle. Extending and simulating the quantum binomial options pricing model. This has led to research that applies alternative computing techniques to finance. Many of the problems facing the finance community have no known analytical solution. Merton equation showing that they are very similar. Advanced Strategies in Financial Risk Management.

Finance theory is heavily based on financial instrument pricing such as stock option pricing. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. One of these alternatives is quantum computing. Options, futures, and other derivatives. This research area is known as computational finance.

How to trade binary text in java

My revision fixes it. Must provide a valid Filestream! Provided file stream is not readable! Must provide a valid text data byte array! Must provide a valid BOM byte array! So, we need to play stats. Provided file stream cannot seek! BOM Detection failed, going for heuristics now. PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. Do not share an instance of java. Java Object reference size depends on your environment.

Try to update checksum by at least 500 byte blocks. In general, avoid storing your data in a large number of data files. Tags: Java collections, object graph, avoid it. Tags: memory usage in Java, memory allocation in Java, unsafe memory access in Java. This bug affects only multithreaded applications creating heaps of maps per second. Tags: finance, money, HFT, low latency. Modern operating systems try to write data in the background, not blocking your application.

Java 7 and 8 implement the string pool in the heap memory. JVM thus further improving the program memory consumption. Remove static qualifier only when you have to. Strings to Objects and back, thus saving memory. It depends on the current system load. This article describes the performance impact of the multithreaded calls to String. BitSets, as described in this article.

Tags: CPU optimization, memory optimization.

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See dealAuto in config. Your ad could be here, right now. If the amount is not specified, this will add all of your zennies. Add inventory items to current deal. Add zenny to current deal. Request a deal with the specified player. If the amount is not specified, this assumes the maximum amount of the item available.

Ads by Project Wonderful! But still no luck i still lost my zeny. You are scaming bots, i said no im just testing a solution because someone took my zennies from my bot again. YOU WILL GO TO HELL. Bone in the trade window even though there is really nothing on it. He just scammed mine 5 times. SOrry for my bad explanation. It seems as though my bot cannot completely finish the checking process of getting the number of items prior to the quick finalization of the deal; ergo, it forwards 0 zeny for its evaluation of the final deal. Then he said that he wants to help me. QUICKLY followed by okay, my bot forwards 0 zeny. At first i resist that maybe he will just put some keylogger or autoPM password on whatever he will do. But because i really want to solve it, i let him help me. The i realize that maybe the bot can still recognize the code if its log is set.

When I tried incorporating square brackets, some errors transpired. So he just partychat the code. Then i tried looking at my logs folder at the chat. Someone will take your zeny i mean all of your zeny without your bot receiving anything that you want to buy. PM you the code you can read from your bot console that there is an error from the IFSTATEMENT. Then he will press okay. If you want to sue this macros expect that you will lost all your money.

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We must say you can definitely rely on good support with that broker. You can also use PaySafe Card, VISA or MasterCard. This broker started operating back in 2011 and even now continues to accept traders worldwide. In fact, most of the traders prefer this type of expiry, so we consider it an advantage. You can always reach the support guys in Live chat, and they are really friendly and helpful. In fact, you might end up scammed if you decide to deal with such an unregulated company, so we advise you to carefully investigate brokers before you open a trading account. You just need to enter the bonus code upon registration, and the bonus cash will be credited.

The big discussion around MarketsWorld is how it provides its price quotes and does it manipulate strike prices. The company that runs this project is named MarketsTheWorld Limited, and it is also based on the Isle of Man. The best payment option is Neteller as you can make a withdrawal in a few minutes. The fact is that nobody actually knows how binary brokers provide price quotes, and hopefully, we will receive more transparency in future. The times are set on the clock, which makes it a bit difficult to place exactly 1 min or 5 min trades. Once you get signal for a Call or Put option, you can place your trade at MarketsWorld. We actually have been following this broker since it started in 2011, and it is a bit strange that not much has improved with the software.

Despite the basic software, MarketsWorld can compensate with really good service and fast withdrawals. Some traders claim that prices are manipulated, but others think that it is all normal with binary brokers. The trick is that MarketsWorld operates with a gaming license from the Gambling Supervision Commission, based on the Isle of Man, Great Britain. You might ask how MarketsWorld does it, considering the restrictions other brokers have in the US, Australia and Canada. Well, it looks like the broker has found a way to offer its product. Depending on your method, the expiries could suit you or not.

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Price is at the R1 as anticipated and there is another 48 minutes left on the binary option. Price expired less than 104. For every minute a trader is in the trade, a value is associated with his earnings or losses, as the case may be. This identifies a retracement should occur. First, the chart is making higher highs in price but lower highs in the Stochastics. Additionally, Points 1, 2, and 3 on price have formed a reversal pattern confirming the hidden divergence. Instead of using an At the Money binary option, the trader can choose one strike price out to lower his risk. Also known just as Ichimoku or the Cloud indicator, this all in one technical indicator is used for gauging trend, momentum and support and resistance levels on the price chart. Please join James Ramelli, with Nadex educational partner AlphaShark Trading, as he discusses one of the lesser known, but highly regarded price action indicators, the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo. If you are trading binary options and are looking for a tool which may positively transform your trading, this is a webinar you will not want to miss.

This interactive webinar featuring the founder of Traders Help Desk, Gail Mercer, reveals the power of using leading indicators that project where price will move in the future and allows traders to decrease their risk by utilizing Out of the Money binary options. These are some levels you can draw on your charts which will show areas where price may hesitate or reverse. If volume is rising in conjunction with a trend, it may indicate the trend is strong. When the line goes below 40, you should buy, and when it goes above 80, you should sell. If the dots are above the bars, it is time to sell. It can tell you when the market is overbought or oversold; it may signal a reversal.

These angled lines can help you to predict where price may be headed in the future; it is yet another way of illustrating areas of support or resistance. You will see it appear. The goal of the indicator is to help you to spot a reversal point in a longer cycle.

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You will make profits if the the share price of XYZ crosses Rs. You buy a call option on XYZ stock at the strike price of Rs. However in India equity options and futures are currently cash settled and are not settled by delivery. Thanks for the info here. Here, I was able to see everything set as CE or PE. In this case you lose the premium of Rs 100 paid which shall be the profit of the seller of the call option. In this case, your loss of money would be equal the premium that you have paid.

Friday, December 29, 2017

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After convincing me theywere legit, he passed me on to one Eddy Allenwho introduced so called secured or insured trade. USD from charge backs but I still need 24k in repayment. Eddy all in one day in August. He kept asking me 20K more. These people need to be dealt with severely. Have You Used Traders King? USD my account has been freeze and cannot trade by my self I tried to contact them but they never reply. He raised it to over 5k and I even withdrew some money. If they are not scam then they are not professional.

Michael mercury if that is his name at all. UK because they know that they can get away with stuff.

How to be an options trader oil

NYMEX Crude Oil call option with the same expiration month and a nearby strike price of USD 40. To take profit, you enter an offsetting short futures position in one contract of the underlying crude oil futures at the market price of USD 46. NYMEX Light Sweet Crude Oil futures contract is trading at the price of USD 40. This means that you get to buy the underlying crude oil at only USD 40. By exercising your call option now, you get to assume a long position in the underlying crude oil futures at the strike price of USD 40. The trader must have enough liquidity to support short term price fluctuations. Below the table summarizes the American option positions that once exercised results in the respective underlying futures position shown in the second column. In this case, the delivery and acceptance are not an issue for the contract sides. European options are optimal for traders who wish settlement in cash. Thus, despite their names, crude oil options are, in fact, options on futures. Traders who do not wish to bother with physical delivery that might require a lot of paper work and complex procedures may prefer oil options to oil futures. External references used in researching this piece: Oilprice.

Helen wishes to exercise the options. Long option contracts help to avoid this. The crude oil futures traded on NYMEX, however, are physically settled. The trader who has short position on one futures contract must deliver 1000 barrels of crude oil at expiration and the long position must accept the delivery. Recall that a short option position collects the premium and assumes the risk. Helen wants to exercise her call options.

Futures contracts by nature do not include any upfront payments, therefore they do not offer this type of opportunity for the traders. American options, which allow the holder to exercise the option at any time over its maturity, are exercised into underlying futures contracts. Futures traders can lose the entire position during an adverse movement of the underlying price. Additionally, long option traders do not face margin calls that require the traders to have enough liquidity to support their position. Where the initial margin requirement of futures is higher than the premium required for the option on similar futures, option positions offer extra leverage by freeing some of the capital required for the initial margin. February 2015 crude oil futures contract that has an underlying of 1000 barrels of crude oil.

However, it is worth noting that the lower price of the options will be reflected in the moneyness of the options.

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Please tell other readers which scam broker did Fintech LTD connected you with, in the comments section below. Read about the best binary options brokers. However I do think that Fintech is legit. You can see in complete details how the binary options scam works here. If you want to really trade binary options, then look at the best brokers page, and you will see which brokers have the best reputation. It is a random signal generator, and the only thing a trader controls is how much money the system gambles each time. When opening an account with Fintech I was able to choose from a list of Licenced brokers, and chose StoxMarket, who seems to be a well known brokerage? Please comment and advise if you like anyone?

You Will Lose Your Money Using This Fake Software, see why. Elon did not invest in this company. Read about the popular licensed Forex brokers: Plus500 and BDSwiss. When the team at Scam Broker reviewed the Fintech LTD software, we dug deep to see if they are making any false promises or misleading statements. Fintech LTD is a scam automated trading software that opened in April 2016. He pushed my card over the limit and I have also lost my holiday money.

The problem we found is that they claim to have been founded in 2013. Ot took a day or two to have my StoxMArket account verified due to some document issues. It is affecting my health now. This automated trading robot, is the classic simple software used for binary options trading. Knows people who actually making good money online. Currently available are more than 100 trading systems just like this one.

Too scared to put any money in it. The truth is, their website was registered on January 29th 2016, and their promotional video was uploaded to YouTube on April 15th 2016. Facebook and cnn money talking about Elon Musk making an investment in this startup to redistribute wealth in the planet. None too good to be true.

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Historical Quotes provides up to 10 years of daily historical stock prices and volumes for each stock. The shortest is 5 days and the longest is 10 years. Historical price trends can indicate the future direction of a stock. The closing daily official volumes represented graphically for each trading day. The period of time displayed in the table. Files are between 65K and 85K in size. NYSE Group Daily Share Volume in NYSE Listed Issues volume includes volume in NYSE Listed Issues executed by NYSE and NYSE Arca. Trades data from January 2004 to the present includes only Consolidated Tape prints.

NYSE Daily Share Volume includes NYSE volume in all issues traded at the NYSE executed by NYSE. The data can be used for reference, and can be valuable for performing technical and quantitative research analysis, forecasting and other purposes. This is explained in the ORATS documentation on Quandl. ORATS tick volatility calculation of 42. The Cost of Free Data: Why Use Premium Stock Prices? As a result, FX traders labor under major informational disadvantages compared to their peers in other asset classes. Other methods merely average the strikes around the money to come up with a volatility for an expiration. The results are volatility measurements that more accurately reflect the full range of market conditions, particularly the inclusion of large intraday price moves.

Throughout the trading day, a simulated position of stock is traded whenever the hedge interval is reached. ORATS provides documentation for the production of smoothed implied volatility surfaces with the summarized readings above. Quandl has always prided itself on making financial and economic data accessible to all investors. In broad terms, our measurement methodology creates a simulated position and then computes volatility based on the performance of a blend of possible hedging strategies. After the residual yields are applied to the individual call and put implied volatilities a curve is drawn through the average call and put implied volatilities at each strike. Implied volatilities of the calls and puts are lined up by solving for a residual yield over and above the dividend and interest rates.

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They will not be the last. Others will offer high level software integration, advanced charting and flexible trade setups, giving the user much greater control over the exact terms of their trade. They are a trading tool like any other, and need to be respected as such. Thanks for you thoughts Toby. Without some well informed policies the door is always open for them to start afresh under a new name. What would you like to see happen in the industry? This suits the investor who is keen to get the timing of any trade correct, and might be trading larger sums, but less often. This allows users to control that risk via suitable money management. The product is fine. That can only happen where the trader is well looked after and offered a great platform to invest on. Hi Toby, How do you feel about binary options at present?

There is no doubt that the actions of irresponsible brokers and marketers have left many sections of the media writing off binary options entirely. So the real issue is how the product is sold? This targeting of particular groups has helped certain brands grow, and trade volume increase. Firstly, I think the product itself has been tarnished unfairly. The risk is that without the proper regulation in place, they could come back under a new name and do the same things. Pinning down whether someone has invested or taken a punt is really not important to anyone else. The most important point being traders can use them exactly as they please! Toby Robinson writes for and maintains the UK focused broker comparison website, BinaryOptions. The short sighted activities of the likes of Banc de Binary have hurt the industry and were almost certainly counter productive anyway.

For those working in the industry, the benefits of a regulated, respected market are obvious. So pulsing screens, large countdowns and a look and feel that compels the user to trade often. We recently caught up with Toby Robinson, who maintains the broker comparison service at BinaryOptions.

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